William Marshall

Sports Performance

Founder of Benswic, Inc. and Benswic Retreat. William covers the direction on how the retreat is run and one of the “Sports Performance” coaches.

Quincy France

Sports Performance / Mediation

Quincy is Co-Founder of CCA – Calisthenics Competive Assoication. While hosting Pushing Weight TOUR competition.

Aisha Bams


Yoga Instructor. Kettlebell Queen that also loves doing calisthenics. Ambassador for Pushing Weight.

Shavon Marshall

Mobility + Flexibility

Founder of Benswic MOVEMENT. that she host a dance performance. Shavon is married to William Marshall. She covers the direction on introducing Mobility and Flexibility coach at the Retreat.

Benswic Coaches

Krystal Dwyer

barre + strength

ACE-CPT. PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach. Pre/PostNatal Training Specialist. Assistant to Benswic.

Lamarr Thorton

Sports performance

Boxing Specialist. Personal Trainer Certified.